The Moments During the Clicks | F/A 18 Super Hornet

The Moments During the Clicks | F/A 18 Super Hornet   Capturing just the right image of a fast mover like the Super Hornet requires good panning skills and dozens of images from burst mode shooting.  It’s all about keeping the plane in the frame whiling panning and clicking as the plane zooms past.  Clicks!  Clicks!  Clicks!  It’s an exciting day with few calm moments.  Calm comes during post processing when reviewing your great images.  The Chicago Air & Water Show is a really nice venue for capturing aircraft images along the beach, particularly if you like jets.  You can’t always pick the background, but even with these bald skies, the vapor trail provides some contrast. Notice the “F/A” in the F/A-18 designation since it’s both a fighter and an attack aircraft. The Super Hornet is a twin-engine, carrier-capable, multi-role fighter and attack aircraft. It has an internal 20 mm M61 rotary cannon and can also carry air-to-air missiles and air-to-surface weapons. Turn & burn!  For the whole story with all images, see The Moments During the Clicks | a 7 Image Story.