The Moments During the Clicks | Cub & Super Cub

The Moments During the Clicks | Cub & Super Cub   Two iconic airplanes flying in nice snow make for memorable images.  The Cub and Super Cub are having fun on Skiplane Weekend.  Getting just the right spacing with just the right blowing snow while the camera and I were freezing meant several hundred burst mode images.  Clicks! Clicks! Clicks!  Of course, the difficulty to capturing good airplane images in the winter with snow, is to keep the shutter speed low enough to blur the prop and pan well enough to keep the wings and fuselage in sharp focus while dealing with bright, hard mid-day light.  A 1/125s shutter speed is about as high as I like for a click like this one.  Luckily this day had bright overcast in between snow showers.  For the whole story with all images, see The Moments During the Clicks | a 7 Image Story.