The Moments During the Clicks | B-25 Champaign Gal

The Moments During the Clicks | B-25 Champaign Gal   The B-25 Champaign Gal, along with another B-25, was taxiing for takeoff at Grimes Field in Urbana, OH before the 70th Doolittle Raider Reunion.  Twenty B-25 aircraft attended the reunion the next day on 17 Apr 2013.  Luckily, I was able to get a media pass so I could get out to the end of the runway for possibly a better shot.  Champaign Gal is based at Grimes Field as part of the Champaign Air Museum.  Similar images could have easily been taken at numerous airfields around the world in 1942.  For the whole story with all images, see The Moments During the Clicks | a 7 Image Story.