Spring Walkabout Birds | American White Pelican

Spring Walkabout Birds | American White Pelican  Gear down, flaps down, clear to splash!  It’s a good landing if you can float away.  Although they are one the heaviest flying birds in the world, American White Pelicans are strong fliers who alternate flapping and soaring.  Their large yet narrow wingspan makes soaring easier.  Their bodies measure up to 5 feet in length, their bills can reach 14 inches, and their wing spans up to 9 feet.  In the breeding season, they have a flattened “horn” on the upper bill.  They shed the horn after mating.  Males and females look exactly alike except the female is a bit smaller.  And, they’re such clowns when flocked together on the water.  For the whole story with all images, see Spring Walkabout Birds | a 7 Image Story.