Reflections on 2018 | CardinalReflections on 2018 | a 7 Image Story  2018 was again a year like all years, filled with those events which alter and illuminate our time. (Thank you, Walter.)  For me, 2018 was a year filled with very little travel while focusing my clicks closer to home.  My camera captured fewer event images and fewer wildlife photographs.

Cardinals don’t seem to mind winter. The female and male Cardinals stay close together.  Getting a good image of both of them in the same frame is more than a little difficult. Although this female is not a brilliant red like the male, she still stands out against the snow.  Most of the time, it’s hard to see the red tail on a Red-tailed Hawk. This lucky hawk image was captured through the windshield while stopping  to see why the Red-tailed Hawk was sitting along the side of the road.

Each image will be posted individually this week under category Reflections on 2018.

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