Nikon D300 Salad | Wet B-25

Nikon D300 Salad | Wet B-25    The crew of Miss Mitchell checked out the B-25 after a heavy rain shower.  Miss Mitchell had come to Grimes Field in Urbana, OH while preparing to attend the 70th Reunion of the Doolittle Raiders at the Air Force Museum.  Twenty B-25 aircraft attended the reunion the following day.   To learn more about Doolittle Raiders Reunion, see Doolittle Raiders Reunion | a 7 Image Story.

The Back Story   During the rain shower, I was in the Champaign Aviation Museum hangar chatting with a WWII B-25 pilot with 65 combat missions in Europe.  He had been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.  And, he still flew a Beech Bonanza with his son.  Anyway, I just happened to walk pasted the hangar door just after the shower ended.  Then, just a simple click; didn’t even get wet.  Note: I post an image everyday at


Event70th Reunion of the Doolittle Raiders
LocationGrimes Field, Urbana, OH
Date/Time4/16/2012  10:21am Local Time
WeatherRain Showers | 65°F | Moderate Winds
MethodSimple click out the open hanger doors.
GearNikon D300 with an AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED lens
44mm (66mm)  f/4.5  1/8000s  .33ev  1600iso
PostSharpened the glass a bit.