Nikon 1 V3 Hodgepodge | Opossum with Babies

Nikon 1 V3 Hodgepodge | Opossum with Babies   Unless you get out and about at o’dark thirty or at least at first light, it’s not likely you’ll be seeing a site like this oneMale opossums are called jacks and females are called jills, while the young are joeys.  It it possum or opossum? The term possum includes about 70 species of marsupials native to Australia.  Opossum includes over 100 species of marsupials living in the Western Hemisphere.

The Back Story  While visiting family and walking the dogs early one morning, this Opossum came running through the yard and across the road.   I quickly took the dogs inside, grabbed the camera, and got back outside just in time to capture a few decent images.  For information and images about using the Nikon 1 V3 for getting good images while hiking, see Nikon 1 V3 for Walkabout Wildlife.  Note: I post an image everyday at


EventWalking the Dogs
LocationLake County, Illinois
Date/Time6/07/2016  6:14am Local Time
WeatherPartly Cloudy | 56°F | Moderate Winds
MethodQuickly took dogs indoors, ran to get camera, back just in time to capture a few images.
GearNikon 1 V3 with a 1 VR 30-110mm f/3.8-5.6 lens
110mm (297mm)  f/6.3  1/200s  0ev  1600iso