Nikon 1 V1 Potpourri | Raven

Nikon 1 V1 Potpourri | Raven   Ravens tend to hang around the parking areas in Yellowstone so it’s not too hard to capture a few images of them.  Ravens are among the smartest of all birds and have accompanied people around the Northern Hemisphere for centuries by following their wagons, sleds, sleighs, and cars looking for a quick meal.  Ravens are really quite amazing birds.  They can fly over 20,000 feet.  They adapt to a very wide variety of habitats including the harsh climate in Yellowstone.  They adapt to living around humans quite well.  They’ll eat a wide variety of foods.  They even befriend wolves while still sharing in the wolves bounty.  Yes, amazing birds!  For more information and images of wild Yellowstone, see Yellowstone NP Wild | a 7 Image Story.

The Back Story   This image came from a simple click in a Yellowstone parking area.  Note: I post an image everyday at


EventDay at Yellowstone NP
LocationYellowstone National Park
Date/Time10/21/2014  3:54pm Local Time
WeatherPartly Cloudy  |  37°F  |  Light Winds
MethodSimple click.
GearNikon 1 V1 with a Nikon FT-1 Adapter & Nikon AF-S 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR lens
300mm (810mm)  f/9  1/160s  0ev  800iso
PostSmoothed background and sharpened eye.