Nikon 1 V1 Potpourri | Looking Forward

Nikon 1 V1 Potpourri | Looking Forward    This curious deer silhouette seemed like an ionic scene of White-tailed Deer in a snow storm.  They were far enough away to feel safe, yet too curious to just leave the area.  White-tailed Deer are a curious lot.  As long as they do not feel threatened, they want to know what’s happening.  To me, it’s just amazing how curious they are.  For snow images, see Snow Makes the Image | a 7 Image Story.

The Back Story  This image was captured with a few simple clicks after walking outside into the back yard.  Sometimes the best camera is the one you have in your hands.   Note: I post an image everyday at


EventBackyard Surprise
LocationWetlands behind Backyard
Date/Time4/14/2014  6:35pm Local Time
WeatherCloudy and Snowing  |  32°F  |  Light to Moderate Winds
MethodSimple click after walking into the backyard.
GearNikon 1 V1 with a Nikon FT-1 Adapter and Nikon AF-S 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G IF-ED VR lens
300mm (810mm)  f/5.6  1/250s  -0.33ev  800iso
PostSharpened the ears a bit.