Macro Flowers & Butterflies | Wet String

Macro Flowers & Butterflies | Wet String   Sometimes the subject just jumps out at you!

The Back Story  Notice that even with f/8, the increase the depth of field is not enough to keep this stringy flower and the leaves in focus when using an extension tubes.


EventDaily Walkabout
LocationNorthern Illinois
Date/Time6/08/2021  4:06 pm Local Time
WeatherMostly Cloudy | 88°F | Moderate Winds
MethodTime and patience are required for manual handheld focus.
GearNikon 1 V3 with an Nikon AF DC 135mm f2D lens and a MOVO 21mm extension tube
135mm (365mm)  f/8  1/250s  -0.33ev  2500iso