In Search of Snowbirds | Winter Robin

Northern Illinois | 2/13/2019 11:32 am Local Time | Fair 14°F Moderate Winds

In Search of Snowbirds | Winter Robin    The little Robin red breast was my mom’s favorite bird with the possible exception of a Cardinal in the winter snow.  She always loved it when the Robins first appeared while it was still winter because she knew spring was not far behind.  Back then, they seemed to go south for the winter.  Now, we see a few of them all winter long. They don’t eat seeds, but they will eat berries if worms are not available.  They seem to like the crabapples.  A little ice added to the surroundings.

The Back Story    Small birds are a challenge to capture.  This image was a simple lunch click.

Quick Facts…

Winter Robin gray-brown birds with warm orange underparts and dark heads.
HabitatCities, towns, lawns, farmland, forests; in winter, berry-bearing trees.
RangeYear around in Northern Illinois
NestTree or shrub 5-25′ above ground. Cup of mud, grasses, twigs, debris lined with grasses & fibers.
DietMostly insects, berries, earthworms.
BehaviorForages on the ground, running/pausing on open lawns; locates earthworms by sight.
SizeLength: 7.9-11.0 in  |  Weight: 2.7-3.0 oz |  Wingspan: 12.2-15.8 in