In Search of Snowbirds | Red-bellied Woodpecker

Northern Illinois | 1/04/2021 11:17am Local Time | Cloudy 26°F Light Winds

In Search of Snowbirds | Red-bellied Woodpecker   In this image, the Red-bellied Woodpecker is temporarily perched on a big branch waiting his turn at the bird feeder below.  They rarely perch when trees with good bark are near.  And, they rarely stay in one place for very long; measured in a few seconds.

The Back Story   This image was a simple click.  Sometimes, you work hard to get the image.  Sometimes, it’s a matter of having the camera on the table just before lunch.  Then, it’s a simple, lucky click.

Quick Facts…

Red-bellied Woodpecker
HabitatWoodlands, groves, orchards…deciduous forests especially along rivers and swamps.
RangeYear around in Northern Illinois
NestCavity in a tree, pole, fence post, or stump
DietOmnivorous…eats many insects and plant material including acorns, nuts, fruits, and seeds.
BehaviorBark forager for insects on tree trunks & limbs. Perches on branches to pick berries & nuts.
SizeLength: 9.4 in  |  Weight: .0-3.2 oz |  Wingspan: 13.0-16.5 in