Hunt for Red October Leaves | Red SymmetryHunt for Red October Leaves | a 7 Image Story   The hunt for red October leaves is much harder than it would seem in northern Illinois.  Northern Illinois has many trees with yellow and/or orange leaves, but not many with deep red leaves.  For the deep reds, one must travel farther north or wait a few more weeks for red Icy Leaves.

Hunt for Red October Leaves | Sandhill Crane HuntingWhy a Sandhill Crane image?  Well, first I like Sandhill Cranes.  Second, they do have some red on their heads.  Third, this Sandhill was finding some food in the grass while I was on my hunt for red October leaves.

Red Symmetry   The Maple leaf’s symmetry makes it an unmistakable symbol of strength and endurance.  The 21mm extension tube helps the veins of this maple leaf at peak color to make a distinctive impression.  Slowly Turning  Northern Illinois leaves turn slowly from shades of green to yellows to reds.  Tree Line  The trees in this tree line turn red at the same time each year.  The tree line lies next to a bean field which lies next to a polo field.  Yep, there’s a polo field in the middle of a grain farm.  Burning Bush   The trusty burning bush never disappoints.  It always turns a brilliant red even if the trees only go to yellow or light red.  Backyard   Beauty is where you find it.  Sometimes, it’s in the backyard.   Bush in the Woods   On my walkabout through the woods this beautiful red bush adorned the trail.  It almost looks leather like.   Along My Walkabout   While walking along the lake, this tree stands out among so many others.

Each image will be posted individually this week with a bit more narrative under category Hunt for Red October Leaves.

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