Lake Sunset

Lake Sunset

Lake Sunset  And now, for a little break from airplanes and steam engines, this sunset image was captured after the sun set, just before last light.  Notice the shutter speed just under a second.  Next time, I’ll try for a longer exposure to smooth out the lake a bit.

Sandhills over the Platte

Sandhills over the Platte

Sandhills over the Platte  Every year from mid February to the first of April, most of the planet’s Sandhill Cranes converge on stretch of the Platte River near Kearney, Nebraska.  The gathering represents the closest thing to the Serengeti we have in the lower 48.  More than 500,00 Sandhills stop on the Platte to rest and gain weight on their flight from southern USA and Mexico to Canada, Alaska, and Siberia.

Although I can’t go this year, I’ll continue to look forward for next year’s gathering.  Yep, nothing like being ready to capture images at o’dark thirty along a bend in the Platte River.  At first light, the Sandhills lift off the river to eat in nearby corn fields.  They take flight in groups of hundreds; even thousands, even 10,000s, at one time.