Flying to Alaska

Flying to Alaska

Flying to Alaska  This image gives you a sneak peek at a series of posts describing my flying trip to Alaska some years ago.  I’m planning to make a post for each day I was gone describing that day including flying, weather, points of interest, challenges, and accomplishments. The images, like this one, will be either slides or prints which were scanned and restored into digital format.  Each post will contain several images to help describe the day’s activities.  The target date to begin the series is July 10th.  Hopefully, I’ll also post a few more sneak peeks between then and now.

Alaska near Eagle River

Alaska near Eagle River

Alaska near Eagle River   This image was captured some years ago (before digital) in Alaska during a hike along the Eagle River.  A V600 scanner scanned a small print to yield this image.  Why Alaska?  Well, yesterday’s image of a Piper Super Cub, the preferred bush plane in Alaska, made me think about my Alaska trip.  I’m still researching to determine which camera took this image since I took three with me.