Save the Bees

Save the Bees

Save the Bees  Bees are in danger.  For several decades, beekeepers have observed the sudden disappearance of bees and a decline in honeybee colonies.  Bee-killing pesticides appear to pose the most direct risk to bees.  We need the bees to pollinate crops and flowers.  A third of all our food depends on them.   A world without pollinators would be devastating.  Use bee tolerate pesticides.  Plant native wildflowers and flowering shrubs.  Trees such as apples, pears, plums, and cherries as well as shrubs like blueberries are excellent food for bees.

Bees at Work

Bees at Work

Bees at Work  On tonight’s walkabout, I was surprised to find bees still working hard this late in October.  Bees play an essential role in ecosystems. A third of all our food depends on their pollination. A world without bees would be devastating for food production.  Save the bees.