In Search of Snowbirds | Morning Dove Close-up

In Search of Snowbirds | Morning Dove Close-up

Northern Illinois | 1/30/2019 1:34 pm CST | Fair Skies -18°F Moderate Winds

In Search of Snowbirds | Morning Dove Close-up   This Morning Dove was picking up seeds off the top of the snow under the bird feeder.  The colder it is outside the more food they need to stay warm.

The Back Story    Even though this Morning Dove was relatively close to my lens, it still takes a long lens to get up close with birds. 

Quick Facts…

Morning Dove … brown to buffy-tan with black spotted wings & black-bordered white tipped tail.
HabitatFarms, towns, open woods, roadsides, grasslands…
RangeCommon in Northern Illinois
NestNest is flimsy platform of twigs in tree or shrub, sometimes on ground,
DietSeeds, 99% of diet. Likes seeds of grains, grasses, ragweed, etc.
BehaviorForages mostly on ground. Feeds underneath bird feeder.
SizeLength: 9.1-13.4 in | Weight: 3.4-6.0 oz | Wingspan: 17.7 in   Size about same as Robin

In Search of Snowbirds | Dark-eyed Junco Close-up

In Search of Snowbirds | Dark-eyed Junco Close-up

Northern Illinois | 2/10/2021 11:56 am CST | Light Snow 11°F Light Winds

In Search of Snowbirds | Dark-eyed Junco Close-up    This Dark-eyed Junco was all puffed out weathering the cold after eating some seeds from a nearby feeder.  They are not flashy like the cardinals or blue jays, but their hold a certain quiet beauty.

The Back Story    Again, keeping a camera handy helps improve chances of capturing a quick simple click.   This simple click was easy while eating lunch.

Quick Facts…

Dark-eyed Junco … Slate gray with with belly.
HabitatConifer & mixed woods. Open woods, undergrowth, brush, woodland edges, thickets, etc.
RangeCommon in Winter in Northern Illinois
NestAlmost always on ground & well hidden under overhanging grass, under log, rock, etc.
DietMostly seeds in the winter and insects in the summer.  Frequents bird feeders in winter.
BehaviorForages mostly on the ground. Comes to bird feeders, but forages on the ground under feeder.
SizeLength: 5.5-6.3 in   |  Weight: 0.6-1.1 oz |  Wingspan: 7.1-9.8 in

In Search of Snowbirds | Fawn Surprised

In Search of Snowbirds | Fawn Surprised

Northern Illinois | 1/01/2016 4:48 pm CST | Mostly Cloudy 26°F Windy

In Search of Snowbirds | Fawn Surprised    Most White-tailed Deer fawns are born April through July.  So, on January 1st,  this fawn was 6 -7 months old.  At birth, white tail fawns have a white spotted reddish coat. The spots help the fawn to camouflage itself.  The fawns lose Their spots within 3 to 4 months after birth.  So, this fawn has lost its spots, but is still pretty small.  It seemed to be both curious and brave because it did not move as I walked by on my walkabout in search of snowbirds.

The Back Story    Another simple click along my walkabout route on New Years Day.

Quick Facts…

White-tailed Deer Fawn…white spotted reddish silky smooth coat.
HabitatGood deer habitat includes a mixture of trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, fungi, etc.
RangeYear around in Illinois.
NestNurse for 2-3 weeks then begin eating vegetation.
DietHerbivores graze on most plants like leaves, twigs, fruits & nuts, grass, corn, alfalfa, etc.
BehaviorInstinctively lie motionless when approached by a potential predator.
SizeWeight: 6-8 lb at birth

In Search of Snowbirds | Northern Flicker

In Search of Snowbirds | Northern Flicker

Northern Illinois | 3/08/2015 10:52 am CST | Mostly Cloudy 36°F Light Winds

In Search of Snowbirds | Northern Flicker    This male Red-shafted Northern Flicker stopped by one day.  Although they are common to northern Illinois, they don’t come around this area much.  it’s a woodpecker that displays bright colors under the wings and tail when it flies.

The Back Story    Again, keeping a camera near the window helps improve chances of capturing a quick simple click.   A simple click was easy as I walked by the window.

Quick Facts…

Northern Flicker … Brownish with white rump & red undersides of wing & tail.  Patterned with black spots, bars.
HabitatOpen forests, woodlots, groves, towns, semi-open country.
RangeCommon in Northern Illinois
NestCavity in tree or post, rarely in ground burrow. Tree cavities usually in dead wood; pine & cottonwood,
DietMostly ants and other insects. Eats fruits & berries, especially in fall/winter and seeds & nuts at times.
BehaviorForages by hopping on ground, climbing tree trunks and limbs.
SizeLength: 11.0-12.2 in | Weight: 33.9-5.6 oz | Wingspan: 16.5-20.1 in   Size between Robin & Crow

In Search of Snowbirds | Morning Dove

In Search of Snowbirds | Morning Dove

Northern Illinois | 2/13/2020 9:21 am CST | light Snow 14°F Moderate Winds

In Search of Snowbirds | Morning Dove    This Morning Dove found a little space on the limb with no snow.  It seemed happy as a clam all puffed up to weather the cold.

The Back Story    Keeping a camera near the window helps improve chances of capturing a quick simple click.  While pouring a second cup of coffee before my next video conference, this scene appeared out the window.  Then, a simple click was easy before going back to the computer.

Quick Facts…

Morning Dove … brown to buffy-tan with black spotted wings & black-bordered white tipped tail feathers.
HabitatFarms, towns, open woods, roadsides, grasslands…
RangeCommon in Northern Illinois
NestNest is flimsy platform of twigs in tree or shrub, sometimes on ground,
DietSeeds, 99% of diet. Likes seeds of grains, grasses, ragweed, etc.
BehaviorForages mostly on ground. Feeds underneath bird feeder.
SizeLength: 9.1-13.4 in | Weight: 3.4-6.0 oz | Wingspan: 17.7 in   Size about same as Robin

In Search of Snowbirds | Wild Rabbit

In Search of Snowbirds | Wild Rabbit

In Search of Snowbirds | Wild Rabbit    With the recent decline in the coyote population around this area, wild rabbits are back.  For several years, they were pretty scarce.  They are also relatively easy to capture a nice image.

The Back Story    Just a simple click along my walkabout route!

Quick Facts…

Wild Rabbit…Buff or rusty brown top with white underparts.
HabitatOpen landscapes with crops, grasses, weeds, briars, and woods.
RangeYear around in Illinois.  Only needs about 1 acre of space for it’s living range.
NestHole in the ground lined with grass and fur from the female.
DietVegetarian:  grasses, clover, dandelions, alfalfa, etc.  Fruits, grains, seeds, buds…
BehaviorTo escape danger they might either lay low to avoid detection or quickly zig-zag to escape.
SizeLength: 15 – 18 in  |  Weight: 2 – 3 lb

In Search of Snowbirds | Blue Jay Alert

In Search of Snowbirds | Blue Jay Alert

Northern Illinois | 2/07/2020 9:30 am Local Time | Mostly Cloudy 28°F Light Winds

In Search of Snowbirds | Blue Jay Alert    Blue Jays are one of the most colorful birds in northern Illinois.  They are very flighty and fly off at the slightest noise or disturbance.  Capturing a good photograph of them can be very challenging.  For more information and images, see Blue Jays | a 7 Image Story.

The Back Story    While stretching a bit after several early morning hours in front of the computer, I made a quick glance out the window and noticed this Blue Jay on a nearby branch.  Blue Jays don’t stay in one place very long.  The camera was close.  After a couple of clicks, it was gone.

Quick Facts…

Blue Jay … Blue above. white below with crest and bold black necklace.  Wings/tail barred black.
HabitatOak & pine woods, gardens, groves, towns. Likes habitat with many oak or beech trees.
RangeCommon in Northern Illinois
NestOpen cup made of twigs, grass, weeds, moss, & mud in crotch of tree trunk or fork in limb.
DietOmnivorous. Mostly vegetable matter; seeds, grain, etc.  Many insects & some small rodents.
BehaviorForages in trees, shrubs and on ground. Comes to feeders for seeds.
SizeLength: 9.8-11.8 in | Weight: 2.5-3.5 oz | Wingspan: 13.4-16.9 in   Size between robins & crows.