Dark-eyed Junco

Dark-eyed Junco

Dark-eyed Junco  For the first snow of the season, it seems altogether fitting and proper to capture the image of a Junco.  Juncos are both abundant and widespread in North America.  In winter over much of the continent, flocks of Juncos can be found around woodland edges and suburban yards, feeding on the ground, making ticking calls as they fly up into the bushes.  East of the plains the Juncos are all gray and white, but in the West they come in various color patterns.

Walkabout Cat

Walkabout Cat

Walkabout Cat  Tonight’s walkabout started a bit late; after sunset.    With such low light, I had to use a sign post to steady the camera for a high ISO, 1/2 second exposure.  Somehow, it worked out.  Although I’m not a cat person, this cat seemed like too nice a cat to be on the lamb.  Perhaps, it’s owner just lets it out to hunt.



Stars  Long exposures can lead to some interesting images.  This image is my first attempt at capturing the Milky Way or at least some landscape and stars.  As you can see, even though this image was captured far away from town, it still suffers from light contamination.  To capture the stars and color of the Milky Way, I need to find a much darker place.