Snowy Robin

Snowy Robin

Snowy Robin  Well, our black cloud weatherman was right.  We got several inches of wet sticky snow last night.  This morning, however, the local birds were still celebrating spring, snow or no snow.  This little Robin with snow on his beak says it all.   From a photog point of view, this image was a bit tricky to capture with so much light and snow.  For finishing, I did use NIK Efex 4 to bring out some detail and lighten up the center.

Sandhill Cranes

Sandhill Cranes

Just could not bring myself to post another snow image today; still, there’ll probably be more.  The snowman, ah weatherman, says more snow is coming tomorrow.  Today, my thoughts contain Sandhill Cranes coming to the Platte River this month.  I’m hoping to go to the Crane Festival on the 3rd weekend of March.  If you have never been there; there’ll be 500,000+ cranes along the Platte River.  It’s quite a show of nature.