American Pelican

American Pelican

Most years the American Pelican stops by the lake, really a slough, near my house.  Last year, the slough went almost dry and the pelicans did not stop.  They like a lake with some fish for them to catch.  This year, the slough has plenty of water except it’s still entirely frozen.  Hopefully, the lake will be open soon and the pelicans will still stop on the lake on their north.

B-26 Marauder

B-26 Marauder

B-26 Marauder:  This image seems to illustrate not only the B-26, the first bomber used by the 22nd Bomb Group, but also, the flight crews as well.  The guy lighting up reminds me of my father who did not start smoking until he went to war.  Today, I am beginning a new project to document the journey my father took through WWII with the 22nd Bomb Group 33rd Squadron.  This image was scanned from a public domain print with the Epson V600 Scanner.  I’ll include a few current images of B-26, B-25, and B-24 aircraft when I can.  Still, most images will be old WWII photos scanned.  Many thanks in advance to the 22nd Bomb Group Association for their help and for allowing me to scan photos from their book.

Young Grey Squirrel

Young Grey Squirrel

Young Grey Squirrel  Today’s walkabout yielded an image seen frequently during early spring in northern Illinois.  The squirrels are scurrying about looking for food anywhere they can find it.  This guy had to defend his tree with a nest up higher from another squirrel.  As he saw the other squirrel approaching his tree, he quickly ran down the trunk to the ground and had a little face to face scuffle with the offender.  The offender quickly decided to find another tree.  Nature can be full of drama if we just take a little time to observe it.