22nd BG Reunion 2012

22nd BG Reunion 2012   At 0715 on 8 Dec 1941, less than 18 hours after the first bombs dropped on Pearl Harbor, the 22nd Bomb Group took off in B-26 Marauder medium bombers from Langley field, VA headed for the west coast and, shortly after, to Australia.  See 22nd BG Red Raiders 77 Years Ago | a 7 Image Story.  My father was a crew chief on one of those B-26s in the 33rd squadron.  They were one of the first units to take offensive action against the enemy.  From from bases in northern Australia, they flew bomb missions without fighter escort against Japanese bases and shipping around New Guinea and the surrounding waters.  As the war continued, they island hooped toward Japan while also moving from B-26 Marauders to B-25 Mitchells to B-24 Liberator heavy bombers. In 2012, the WWII 22nd Bomb Group held their 63rd reunion in Austin, TX.  The veterans along with their families and friends met to see old friends, meet new ones, and share their stories; great stories.  At the reunion, a memorial plaque was dedicated at the National Museum of the Pacific War in Fredericksburg, TX.  It’s a very informative museum with many artifacts like the Norton Bomb Site.  It’s certainly worth a day’s visit. The following images captured a few moments of the reunion filled with great stories of the brave men of the 22nd Bomb Group.

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