Platte River Sunset

Platte River Sunset

Platte River Sunset  The Platte River in central Nebraska, during late February, March, and Early April, provides us with a unique opportunity to experience Sandhill Cranes by the thousands.  This image was captured near one of the bridges crossing the river just after sunset.  The black dots in the sky are Sandhill Cranes coming to roost for the night on the swallow sand bars of the river where they can hear predators before they get too close.  And, the landscape images can also be stunning like this Platte River Sunset.

Phalaenopsis Orchid

5/20/2013 Phalaenopsis Orchid

Phalaenopsis Orchid  This orchid has not bloomed in over a year.  Now, it’s just full of beautiful blooms.  It’s a bit surprising to me how well the Nikon 1 V1 does close up with flowers.  Perhaps, tomorrow I should haul out the heavy iron and see the difference.

Woods Come Alive

5/18/2013 Woods Come Alive

Woods Come Alive  My walkabout today takes a different route through the woods.  It’s always been difficult for me to capture the essence of the woods.  This image is my latest attempt to capture that feeling you get when walking alone through newly budded trees and fresh leaves.

Blue Heron Fishing

5/17/2013 Great Blue Heron Fishing

Blue Heron Fishing  This Great Blue Heron paid no attention to me, about 30 yards away, as I walked along one of my favorite walkabouts.  He was just too busy with the task at hand, fishing.  The click was relatively easy; just focus, keep an eye on the subject, and wait.  When the heron has his neck stretched out and he’s looking intently at the water, get ready for a burst to catch the action.