Sandhill Cranes

4/14/2013 Sandhill Cranes

There’s a nesting pair of Sandhill Cranes nesting along a nearby lake.  They have been here all winter.  You can hear them most days, but only rarely do they come out of the thicket.  Occasionally, you can see them flying, but only at a good distance.  Each year, I try to get to the Platte River near Kearney, NE during mid March to early April to see the great Snadhill Crane migration firsthand.  Unfortunately, I could not make it this year.  So, I’ll have to settle for a nesting pair instead of 500,00 Sandhill’s along the river.

American Pelicans

4/13/2013 American Pelicans

A flock of American Pelicans spends 10 days to 2 weeks in a lake near my house every year.  This year, they have yet to arrive.  Perhaps, it’s just too cold or maybe the lake level is too low.  It’s a bit sad.  Many folks around here, including yours truly, looks forward to their arrival each year.  They are just great fun; such clowns.  This image was captured on this date a couple of years ago.  Let’s hope, they’re just a few weeks late this year.

Common Snapping Turtle

4/12/2013 Common Snapping Turtle

Common Snapping Turtle  Yeah, there I was, just minding my own business; trying to capture a simple click of a Great Blue Heron; kneeling on the wet weeds with my tripod behind a small knoll, next to the lake.  And, just a few feet from my left foot, comes a rock floating down the lake.  Wait a minute, rocks don’t float.  Nope, it was a turtle, a really big turtle, head directly for me.  On one hand, I did not want to move so the turtle would get closer.  On the other hand, my foot was just a few inches from the water.  Today, I had heavy iron, the D3x with the 70-200mm and a 2x teleconverter  After a while, my knees just had to move a bit.  And, of course, the turtle turned around to parallel the lakeshore.  Click!

Blue Herons are back!

4/11/2013 Great Blue Heron

Blue Herons are back!  Finally, they are back.  Great Blue Herons are quite common around northern Illinois, but they have just started showing up this spring.  Today, my walkabout took me close to their favorite hangouts so I took heavier iron with me.  While this certainly is not the greatest image, it does give me hope that spring has finally arrived.

Turtles at Crabtree

4/10/2013 Turtles at Crabtree

Turtles at Crabtree  Although our weather has been rainy, the turtles don’t seem to care.  Whenever a speck of light pokes through the clouds, they are out sunbathing.  Crabtree Nature Center, part of the Cook County Park District, is located near Hoffman Estates in the northwestern Chicago suburbs.  It’s a nice place to visit any time of year, but my favorite is spring, about now.  It’s full of new life.  The turtles love the place.

Leann & Derek

4/07/2013 Leann & Derek

Leann & Derek  Meet Leann & Derek, sister & brother, at Derek’s birthday party.  And, what a party; went on from 6pm until after midnight, today.  Yeah, it was a big birthday, but we’ll keep the number to ourselves.  This image from a Nikon V1 was captured handheld; no flash.  My technique must be getting a little better.  Notice the ISO.  Sure, there was some noise, but a trip through NIK Define took care of most of the visible displeasing noise.