Spring Walkabout | Barred Owl

Spring Walkabout | Barred Owl

Spring Walkabout | Barred Owl  Although the Barred Owl is mostly active at night, it sometimes hunts in the daytime as well.  This Barred Owl was hunting as I was hiking on the trail in a heavily wooded forest preserve.  After missing its prey, it perched in a tree along the trail.  It really blends into its surroundings.  Without bins, finding a Barred Owl in a forest is nearly impossible; even with bins, it’s difficult.  The only way I’ve been able to spot owls in the forest is to watch where it lands when it flies.  To see the entire story with all seven images, go to Spring Walkabout | a 7 Image Story.

Spring Walkabout | a 7 Image Story

Spring Walkabout | Barred OwlSpring Walkabout | a 7 Image Story  Hey, it’s spring.  After a long winter, spring walkabouts bring a fresh perspective.  Color slowly begins to reemerge.  Sure, rain and snow showers make for muddier boots.  Does April snow bring May flowers?  Enough with the snow, already!  Time for some warm weather, green grass, and nice calm lakes.

More critters begin to appear.  The leaves have not come on the trees yet.  It’s possible to find larger birds like hawks and owls on the tree branches.  After missing its prey, the Barred Owl perched in a tree along the walkabout trail.  It really blends into its surroundings.  Without bins, finding a Barred Owl in a forest is nearly impossible; even with bins, it’s difficult.

Each spring, a flock of American Pelicans spends a couple of weeks on a slough along my walkabout path on their way up north.  Spring is clearly here when they arrive.  They are great fun and such clowns to watch.

Each image will be posted individually this week with a bit more narrative under category Spring Walkabout.

Click any image below for a slide show!